The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series is the ultimate collection for fans of the groundbreaking narrative-driven franchise. Experience the complete story of young survivor Clementine as she navigates a world overrun by the undead and dangerous human threats.
This collection includes all four seasons of the game, along with the 400 Days DLC and the Michonne mini-series, providing hours of emotional storytelling and tough decision-making that will keep players on the edge of their seats.
With enhanced graphics, improved gameplay mechanics, and behind-the-scenes bonus content, players can immerse themselves in Clementine’s journey like never before. Dive into the post-apocalyptic world of The Walking Dead and see how your choices shape the outcome of the story.
Relive the heart-wrenching moments, form connections with memorable characters, and test your survival instincts in this award-winning series that has captivated players around the world. The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series is a must-have for any fan of the franchise.