Embark on a thrilling open-world adventure in Generation Zero®, set in an alternate version of 1980s Sweden where hostile machines have invaded the picturesque countryside. As a survivor, you must band together with others to uncover the mystery behind the robot invasion and fight for your very survival.
Utilize guerrilla tactics, stealth, and strategic planning to outsmart and outmaneuver the deadly machines stalking you at every turn. Experiment with different weapons, gadgets, and tools to devise creative ways to take down your mechanical foes.
Explore the vast, detailed world of Generation Zero® solo or in co-op multiplayer, where teamwork is crucial for success. Uncover hidden secrets, complete challenging missions, and scavenge for valuable resources to help you in your fight against the robot threat.
Experience a dynamic world where time of day, weather, and enemy behavior all play a role in shaping your gameplay experience. Adapt to changing conditions and use the environment to your advantage as you strive to survive in the face of overwhelming odds in Generation Zero®.