DEATHLOOP is a mind-bending first-person shooter developed by Arkane Studios, the team behind the acclaimed Dishonored series. Set on the enigmatic island of Blackreef, you play as Colt, trapped in a time loop destined to relive the same day over and over again.
Your goal is to break the loop by assassinating eight key targets before the day resets, all while being hunted by rival assassin Julianna, controlled by either AI or another player online. With a unique mix of stealth, combat, and supernatural abilities, every loop offers endless possibilities for experimentation and strategy.
Immerse yourself in a stylish 60s-inspired world filled with colorful characters, intricate level design, and a pulsating soundtrack. Solve clues, uncover secrets, and piece together the mystery of Blackreef as you race against time to unravel the truth behind the loop.
DEATHLOOP is a genre-defying experience that challenges players to think outside the box, adapt to changing circumstances, and embrace the chaos of an ever-evolving narrative. With its innovative gameplay mechanics and richly detailed world, DEATHLOOP promises a thrilling adventure unlike anything you’ve played before.